Brief Introduction – Who is Krisha Grim?

Hey there!

You might recognize my pen name “Krisha Grim” from online writing platforms like Wattpad and Inkitt. I’m the same person! I decided to create a website where I can feature some of my work for fun, so my readers can enjoy them easily without the need for an account.

I plan to release all of my stuff here, maybe polish it down the line for improvement and all in all, my biggest aim is to hopefully create a friendly community who will have as much fun reading as I have writing.

As I’m quite new to blogging, I’ll ask you to excuse my inexperience. I’m a newbie, so I’m trying to get a good grasp on how things work, such as design and so on, but I’m confident I’ll get a hang of it eventually.

Long story short, I look forward to this new adventure.
Feel free drop by to say hi!

Sincerely, Krisha Grim